Assisted in securing licences and developing the extensive environmental mitigation and monitoring programme for a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export facility in the Port of Gladstone, Queensland Australia.
Led the coastal processes chapters of the Environmental Statement for a major port development on the Humber Estuary. Carried out the Water Framework Directive Assessment. Supported the developer in discharging Development Consent Order conditions.
Katherine (Harris) Holmes, director of Harris Holden, has 16 years' experience in the maritime sector, as environment manager for a major UK port and as a principal EIA consultant. Katherine's career highlights include:
Managed the marine licensing applications for a major coastal residential development. Undertook technical assessments on underwater noise, physical processes, Marine Conservation Zones and the Water Framework Directive. Coordinated public consultation requirements. Successfully obtained consents for three phases of the project.
Provided advice on environmental licensing and monitoring during the construction of London Gateway Port on the Thames Estuary. Undertook a Water Framework Directive assessment to support the maintenance dredging application.
Scientific advisor to the Marine Management Organisation during the Development Consent Order process for the Sizewell C and Moorside new nuclear developments. Technical review of studies on physical processes, marine ecology, ornithology and fisheries.
Led the physical processes chapters of the Environmental Statement for Hornsea Round 3 Offshore Wind Farm. Coordinated technical studies on hydrodynamics, water and sediment quality, sediment transport and scour. Liaised with regulators to resolve technical issues. Supported Written Questions and Hearings for the Development Consent Order process.
Led an extensive environmental characterisation exercise for Harwich Haven Authority to establish a new offshore disposal site for dredged material. Led a site selection exercise; produced a scoping report to identify potentially significant impacts; organised public consultation events; co-ordinated site-specific surveys; undertook a Habitats Regulations Appraisal; and arranged permissions and licences.